(561) 851-9400 | Palm Beach

What are the Signs of MS?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system whereby the body’s immune system attacks nerves and protective nerve fibers (myelin sheath) in the brain and spinal cord. Over time, nerves become damaged and inflamed, which...

The Impact of Migraine at Work

A large global survey of migraine patients which included over 11,000 respondents from 31 countries found that many migraine sufferers commonly deal with functional impairments at work due to their symptoms. Respondents of the survey had at least four migraine days...

Current Migraine Prevention Strategies

Today, there are a variety of different migraine prevention options which can help ease the lifestyle burdens that migraine sufferers often live with. There are several goals to migraine prevention, such as a lessening of functional impairments and disability,...