(561) 851-9400 | Palm Beach

Train Your Brain Like a Muscle

In general, as we age, we tend to find it more difficult to learn new information and recall memories. By exercising the brain and the various aspects of brain function, we can maintain or improve our brain fitness. Mental challenges in multiple domains are necessary...

Blueberries for a Longer Life?

Delicious and loaded with a variety of important nutrients, blueberries may promote longevity by improving brain and cardiovascular function. Subsequently, there are plenty of reasons why blueberries should be a part of your daily diet. The protective health benefits...

What Are the Stages of Sleep?

Sleep happens in various stages. These stages of sleep have important impacts on our health, including many aspects of cognitive function. Machines that monitor sleep show that our brain is extremely active during these stages. Stage one is the initial stage where we...

Cognitive Benefits of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is imperative to maintaining and improving healthy brain function. Cognitive benefits of physical exercise include improvements to your focus, concentration, processing speed and your working memory. It is amazing how a simple exercise program can...